Center for Promoting Education and Research
We Connecting Scholar's Globaly

seminars and workshops

CPER organizes various international seminars and workshops on the exclusive issues in the fields of education literature to support the use of educational research and information to improve practice in learning, teaching, educational decision-making, and business, social science and technology. Researchers and professionals are allowed to present their papers on the seminars. CPER organizes at least two seminars in a year. Interested researchers and professionals can send the abstract of the research paper to the director at


CPER encourages the researchers and academicians throughout the world to be the part of CPER international Team. It is a platform to share your knowledge and contemporary thinking with millions of experts...

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Requirement of Editorial Board

CPER is inviting self-enthusiastic and experienced faculty and researchers worldwide to be the part of its Journals’ editorial teams. Since CPER follows double blind peer review policy, it welcomes those faculty and researchers as the editors...

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Center for Promoting Education and Research
17 Lexington Avenue,
New York, NY 10010, USA